2017 Capital Projects Symposium

2nd - 4th April 2017   (GMT-05:00) America/Chicago


You must have an account and be logged in to register for conference. If you are already a CMAA Member or have created an account in the past, please click "Login" at the top right of the page. If you have forgotten your password, please click "Forgot Password" and follow the instructions to receive an email with a link to set a password.


If you have not yet set up an account, please click "Login" and "Create an Account." Further instructions for setting up an account are available on the CMAA Youtube Channel.



Capital Projects Symposium 2017 will be a high level conference exploring the technology, project delivery and innovation in construction management practices.  Through expert plenary sessions and focused, practical breakouts (along with ample networking time), CPS2017 attendees will build an understanding of today’s technology options, their impact on project delivery and how both owners and service providers are utilizing innovations to increase project success.




If you would like to see what Techincal Tours are available, purchase a Spouse/Guest registration or purchase an additional ticket to our optional events for a non-registrant, please check the agenda below. Click on each day to see what is available for purchase.


All full registrations and the Spouse/Guest registration include tickets to all plenary & keynote meal sessions. You will only need to purchase an additional ticket if your guest is not attending any other events.

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